Do you want to hear stories about what it was like to work in the porcelain factory, learn how to recognize genuine porcelain and why not all tableware has a name? Make your visit extra special and book a guided tour.
Group tours
Guided tour of the whole museum including permanent collections and temporary exhibitions.
A tour takes around 45 – 50 minutes.
Book at least 14 days in advance.
You can book guided tours in Swedish, English and German.
Max 25 people per group. If there are more participants you can book more than one tour. You can also split the group so that half enjoy a fika at Rörstrand Museum’s cafe or go shopping in the Ittala Outlet next door.
- Available during normal opening times.
Group tour prices
Weekdays, Tuesday to Friday 1950 SEK
Weekdays, Tuesday to Friday 1950 SEK
Introduction to the exhibitions
Learn more about Rörstrand’s history and what you can expect in the different parts of the exhibition. The introduction takes place in the museum’s screening room and afterwards you can explore the exhibitions on your own.
An introduction lasts around 20 minutes.
Book at least 14 days in advance.
You can book an introduction in Swedish, English and German.
Max 15 people per group. If there are more particpants you can book more than one introduction. You can also split the group so that half enjoy a fika at Rörstrand Museum’s cafe or go shopping in the Ittala Outlet next door.
Introduction prices
Weekdays, Tuesday to Friday SEK 975
Weekends SEK 1250
Group menu
On the menu there’s a lot of locally produced food, made on the premises and of course everything is served on Rörstrand pottery.
Coffee and cake. An ALP Top is a fantastic gluten free cake, baked here, and named after the first factory in Lidköping. Served with a cup of freshly brewed coffee from the roastery in Lidköping, it’s irresistable. SEK 65/per person
Coffee and sandwich. Freshly baked bread with Prästost cheese from Sivan’s Cheesery, and a good cup of coffee from the Rosthuset in Lidköping. 8SEK 85 /per person.
Lunch incl. coffee. Salad, lasagne, pie, prawn sandwich etc. Contact us for the current menu. SEK 129 /per person.
Book at least 14 days in advance.
30 places in the cafe and outdoor seating area.
Contact booking
We’re available on weekdays from 08.00 – 16.00 8-16.
Tel: +46 (0)510-250 80
Email: info@rorstrand-museum.se