Allert is known for his unique ability to shape figures which fuse the spiritual with the earthly.

Some of the most interesting artists around were at Rörstrand in the 1970s. Its reputation attracted creatives to it like a magnet. Carl Harry Stålhane persuaded Henrik Allert to come to Rörstrand after he had finished his studies at the School of Design and Crafts in Gothenburg, where Stålhane was his tutor. Allert worked as a freelancer at Rörstrand from 1969–1972. This marked the beginning of his career as an artist, which really took off after his exhibition at Galleri Petra in Stockholm in 1971, when one of his pieces was purchased by Nationalmuseum, Sweden’s museum of art and design.

Allert’s sculptures and other work enthrall and fascinate. His ability to shape figures which fuse the spiritual with the earthly is quite unique. Allert is now 85, world famous but still very much anchored in the soil of Säter in West Sweden. This retrospective exhibition at Rörstrand Museum closes the the circle and we are, in many respects, brought back to where everything once began.

Upcoming Events


1 januari–25 juni 2025:
Måndag–onsdag stängt
Torsdag–fredag kl. 10–17
Lördag kl. 10–16
Söndag kl. 11–15
26 juni–17 augusti 2025:
Tisdag–fredag kl. 10–17
Lördag kl. 10–16
Söndag kl. 11–15


80 kr
Årskort 120 kr
Fri entré upp till 26 år, samt för studenter mot uppvisande av giltig studentlegitimation.
Kulturarvskortet ger 50% rabatt på entréavgift.
Vi accepterar kort- och Swishbetalning och är en kontantfri verksamhet.

Opening Hours

August 26 augusti–December 31 2024:
Monday–Wednesday closed
Thursday–Friday 10–17
Saturday 10–16
Sunday 11–15

June 26–August 17 2025:
Tuesday–Friday 10–17
Saturday 10–16
Sunday 11–15

Exceptional opening hours

September 15 "Museirally" 10-16
November 2 All Saints Day 12-00
December 24-26 Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day closed
31 December New Year’s Eve closed


80 SEK
Season ticket 120 SEK
Free entry up to the age of 26, as well as for students on presentation of a valid student ID.
The cultural heritage card gives a 50% discount on the entrance fee.
We accept card and Swish payments and are a cashless business.