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PRESS RELEASE New opening of Rörstrand Museum

It is the architects at Tove Alderin Studio (TAS) who designed the new museum’s rooms and exhibitions and recreated the lively factory atmosphere in the ancient buildings. Rörstrand has in many ways been a beauty factory, a pulsating organism that, through constant forward movement, technical competence and creative courage, sought the perfect, white gold – genuine porcelain.

The factory was founded in 1726 in Stockholm and grew over 200 years into a major industry. After a period in Gothenburg, the production in the 1930s merged with ALP (AB Lidköpings Porslinsfabrik) and moved to Lidköping and continued here until 2005 when the factory was closed down.

Rörstrand has in many ways been a beauty factory, a pulsating organism that, through constant forward movement, technical competence and creative courage, sought the perfect, white gold – genuine porcelain.
– There has been an expectation that more objects will be displayed. Therefore, we can now promise a great generosity of both porcelain, signatures and archival material that will bring many memories to life. The factory and the people fascinate many and in the new exhibitions we focus on quality and creativity in relation to mass production, says the museum’s CEO My Johansson Dufva.

The experience for the museum visitor already starts in the newly built entrance with the whirlpool from Gunnar Nylund’s fountain and lifts the old brick factory wall, as the museum’s largest object, into a prominent place. The museum’s voluminous showpieces have also been placed here – fantastic showpieces that represent the factory’s greatness, but when they are effectively flanked by a broken urn, they also symbolize a shattered factory era. Furthermore, Rörstrand’s machinery is portrayed through the exhibition; room by room the visitor gets closer to the tools, the machines, the clay, the colours, the wear and tear and the dust. And not least the people – those who, with their competence and dedication, together created the famous Rörstrandsandan. In addition, the indispensable artists who over the decades left their mark on the brand are highlighted; Carl-Erik Stålhane, Isaac Grunewald, Gunnar Nylund, Marianne Westman, Pia Törnell and others. In the new museum, sketches, films and pictures are also made available that depict the history of working life from a broader perspective.

After the renovation, the museum has also been expanded with a room for temporary exhibitions – Fajansen – to create new reasons to visit all year round. In 2022 Fajansen will be visited by two internationally known artists; Anton Alvarez (Under Pressure 13/5-7/8) and Anders Ruhwald (Ruhwald vs. Ståhlane 19/8-23/10).

For press photos, information and interviews please contact:

My Johansson Dufva,

CEO Rörstrand Museum,

Tel: 0723-00 61 39

Tove Alderin,

Tove Alderin Studio, Design / Arkitektur,

Tel: 0709-99 11 07

Exhibition architecture:

TAS / Tove Alderin Studio and Joakim Kling
Grafisk form: Studio Sophia Wood
Text: Petter Eklund
Light: Lighting design

The rebuilding and the new exhibitions are made possible via the Sparbanksstiftelsen Lidköping and with the support of the Västra Götaland Region’s Cultural Committee, Lidköping Municipality and Fiskars Sweden AB.

Upcoming Events


1 januari–25 juni 2025:
Måndag–onsdag stängt
Torsdag–fredag kl. 10–17
Lördag kl. 10–16
Söndag kl. 11–15
26 juni–17 augusti 2025:
Tisdag–fredag kl. 10–17
Lördag kl. 10–16
Söndag kl. 11–15


80 kr
Årskort 120 kr
Fri entré upp till 26 år, samt för studenter mot uppvisande av giltig studentlegitimation.
Kulturarvskortet ger 50% rabatt på entréavgift.
Vi accepterar kort- och Swishbetalning och är en kontantfri verksamhet.

Opening Hours

August 26 augusti–December 31 2024:
Monday–Wednesday closed
Thursday–Friday 10–17
Saturday 10–16
Sunday 11–15

June 26–August 17 2025:
Tuesday–Friday 10–17
Saturday 10–16
Sunday 11–15

Exceptional opening hours

September 15 "Museirally" 10-16
November 2 All Saints Day 12-00
December 24-26 Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day closed
31 December New Year’s Eve closed


80 SEK
Season ticket 120 SEK
Free entry up to the age of 26, as well as for students on presentation of a valid student ID.
The cultural heritage card gives a 50% discount on the entrance fee.
We accept card and Swish payments and are a cashless business.