Press release: Wayward design in focus at new temporary exhibition at Rörstrand Museum

During Konstafton 2023, which is arranged on Saturday 4 November, Rörstrand Museum invites you to the opening of the temporary exhibition Mastermind – Rolf Sinnemark.

On Saturday, November 4, art is in focus when Art Night is once again arranged in Lidköping. Between 12-24 keeps several businesses open and invites you to art and craft experiences at several locations in Lidköping.

Rörstrand Museum invites you to the opening of the exhibition Mastermind – Rolf Sinnemark starting at 14.00. Ulla Silkens, chairman of Lidköping’s art association, talks about Rolf Sinnemark, the man, the creation and the significance of the years in Lidköping.

About the exhibition Mastermind – Rolf Sinnemark,
Rolf Sinnemark är innovatör, designer och konstnär. In his production you find both the purely functional utility objects and a wayward visual world. The cubic shape is in one moment a teapot, in another context part of a decor where cubes, cylinders and figures float over the surfaces. Behind everything is the designer Rolf Sinnemark, a puppeteer who directs the shapes where he wants. Here he is: the mastermind.

Mastermind is a selection of Sinnemark’s designs for Kosta Boda and Rörstrand together with objects from his own studio. Follow along, beyond everyday life and into Rolf Sinnemark’s floating visual world. The exhibition is a collaboration between The Glass Factory and Rörstrand Museum. The exhibition is on display November 4, 2023 – April 21, 2024.

The entire program for Konstafton 2023 can be found here: Program – Konstafton

Press meeting:
Press meeting is arranged on Wednesday, November 1 at 10.00 at Rörstrand Museum.

Warm welcome!

Press contact
My Johansson Dufva, VD Rörstrand Museum
+46(0) 510-910 91

Upcoming Events


1 januari–25 juni 2025:
Måndag–onsdag stängt
Torsdag–fredag kl. 10–17
Lördag kl. 10–16
Söndag kl. 11–15
26 juni–17 augusti 2025:
Tisdag–fredag kl. 10–17
Lördag kl. 10–16
Söndag kl. 11–15


80 kr
Årskort 120 kr
Fri entré upp till 26 år, samt för studenter mot uppvisande av giltig studentlegitimation.
Kulturarvskortet ger 50% rabatt på entréavgift.
Vi accepterar kort- och Swishbetalning och är en kontantfri verksamhet.

Opening Hours

August 26 augusti–December 31 2024:
Monday–Wednesday closed
Thursday–Friday 10–17
Saturday 10–16
Sunday 11–15

June 26–August 17 2025:
Tuesday–Friday 10–17
Saturday 10–16
Sunday 11–15

Exceptional opening hours

September 15 "Museirally" 10-16
November 2 All Saints Day 12-00
December 24-26 Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day closed
31 December New Year’s Eve closed


80 SEK
Season ticket 120 SEK
Free entry up to the age of 26, as well as for students on presentation of a valid student ID.
The cultural heritage card gives a 50% discount on the entrance fee.
We accept card and Swish payments and are a cashless business.